Connecting Info

It's easy to connect to the land of Gizmo DikuMud. To log on, use a telnet program or one of the mudding clients (specialized telnet programs with added features for things like mapping, and macros) listed below.

If you're using a Windows machine, you have a telnet program built in. Go to the Start menu, click "Run" and type in: telnet 6969.

For either Macintosh or PC, NCSA (National Center for Supercomputing Applications) puts out a good basic telnet client, which you can get here.

If you're interested in a great UNIX client, I suggest TinTin (The kIckiN Tickin dIkumud clieNt), which you can get here.

If you'd like a Windows port of this program (renamed WinTin), you can get it here. TinTin and WinTin both have action features (allowing you to set a trigger, and give the response), aliases (macros), ways to "gag" certain text (so that it is not displayed), substitute one set of text for another, run in split windows, highlight various texts, and many more.

If you'd like a different, more graphically oriented client, you might want to try zMud, which you can download here. ZMud has all of the features of TinTin, and in addition includes complex mapping and database features.

If you're on a Mac, and would like a good client, try Rapscallion, available here. I haven't used a Mac in years, so have no idea how good this client is, but most Mac users we have use it.

So, grab a program and connect, we look forward to seeing you there!